Night ExplorationsI could not believe how important role Night markets play in Taiwan. They are everywhere and you can get really anything there. Whatever from food, through clothes or shoes, live animals or water pipes. They normally start in the evening and going on usually till the morning. And they are always very busy, lively and crowded with people who hurry to get their dinners or cheap supplies. The greatest thing is that Taichung city has really many Night markets and this was just a beginning for me to discover few of them. | Wang Yeh Boats BurningDisease spreading ghosts, or Wang Yeh, are lead onto the boats by priests and mediums. The boat, sitting atop a mountain of ghost money (money burned by locals for the benefit of their dead ancestors) is then burned, sending the spirits back to their world, hopefully taking their plagues with them. A completely whole boat filled with replicas of houses, cars, clothes, horses or sacrificial offerings of food which took craftsmen to build over a year will burn down. | |
WenWu Temple in RedNontraditional look at the treasures of Confucius temple situated at the top of the hill while observing the sunset. The last rays of sun create an incredibly red ambient. |
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